Transition Review


Title: Transition

Author: Paige Walker

Pages: 292

Genre: YA fiction

Publisher: College Boy Publishing, LLC

Publication Date: December 1, 2015

Format: Kindle edition kindly provided by the publisher to read for this blog tour

Summary from Goodreads:

Nichole Roberts is a beautiful young woman with a bright future ahead of her. It is her eighteenth birthday, and she cannot wait to celebrate it at what will soon to be known as the party of the year. With her family and best friend by her side, everything seems perfect, that is, until that night. A romantic evening with her handsome and mysterious boyfriend turns tragic, and Nichole’s life takes a turn for the worse. Confused about what has happened to her, Nichole wakes up to find everything that she holds dear has been taken from her in a way she never knew existed. Will she ever come to terms with what she has become? Or, will she seek revenge against the one person that has wronged her.

Excerpt from Transition: (I love this scene!!!)

The sun descends and the moon rises, giving the only light that illuminates the darkness. Wind blows silently as if it is trying to tell me a secret. Our steps are quiet, we move like the wind walking along the forest floor, as we make our way to the hole I crawled out of just a few months ago.

We whip past the trees, rocks, and grass like we are floating in the air. The animals in the forest are neither seen nor heard. They are hiding, but I know they are out there. I can hear the steady pace of their hearts and the blood flowing in their veins.

We make it to our destination. No words spoken, no sentiments given. There is just quiet contemplation and preparation churning in our minds. I look at Jade and she nods. She quickly turns and climbs the tall tree, near me, looking like a spider silently climbing up a wall.

I turn my attention away from Jade. She is now invisible to me. I will neither give away nor tell her whereabouts. She is a secret, one that I will pretend not to know.

I look around through the darkness of night, taking my place, waiting for this game to begin. My stance is confident. My mind is calm. I survey my surroundings, like a predator who feels threatened, bracing for an attack. My eyes land on remnants of the trash bag that once held me inside. I laugh, Nate will have to do better this time if he wants to get rid of me.

Nate is going to come into the forest confident and cocky. He doesn’t realize that the girl he is coming to kill isn’t the same one he had attempted to kill before.

Review: (no spoilers)

Ok, so overall I really liked this book! I felt like I couldn’t put the book down, so I literally binge read it for like five hours. No joke.

I loved the characters, and felt that the book was very realistic in terms of the characters and with the parts of the vampires. The main character, Nichole, has a very realistic life and relationship with her friends, family, and boyfriend that can be easily related to. I liked that I felt that I could personally connect with the characters and relate to their feelings, especially with Nichole’s transition. I felt that if I were to become a vampire, then I would go through some of the same things that Nichole experienced, felt, and struggled with.

I also liked this book because it made me literally laugh out loud during some of the scenes, and made me feel sad for the characters in others. I felt like I was there with the characters, almost as if I was a ghost watching their story unfold. I love it when the author writes the story this way, because I like feeling like I am actually there with the characters and experiencing what they are going through with them. In addition, I really liked the ending because it was intense and satisfactory, and the ending left it open for a potential sequel which I am very excited for and cannot wait to read! I can’t wait to see what all the characters will do next, how their situations turn out from the ending, and more. I really like this book, and think that Paige did an amazing job writing it.

So now I will be getting into the spoilery section, so if you haven’t read the book yet, don’t spoil yourself.

—————————–SPOILERS BELOW—————————-

Review (SPOILERS!)

Ok so I really liked this book! I liked the ending, and I want to know so bad if Casey will live and become a vampire, and how that will effect her friendship with Nichole. Will sh e be glad that Nichole saved her life, or will she be mad that she forced her into this horrible life forever? I think that if it goes well, then Nichole, Jade, and Casey will all be best friends literally forever. But, there is also the fact that Nichole is now being hunted down by Chase, the vampire hunter. I cannot wait to see how this unfolds if there happens to be a sequel (fingers crossed)!! Also, Aiden is sweet and amazing, and that better happen because I love his character and I think that he and Nichole make a great couple!!!

Nate was a total douche, and he deserved his death a thousand times over. He was a really bad guy, and I think that Tyler wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t been associated with Nate. Also, I liked the thing with the different lines of vampires who have different special abilities I guess, and I hope that I get to find out more about that soon. I think the whole idea is cool, and I can’t wait to see what other lines there are and what their powers are. So will Jade and Casey have any cool powers because it will be awesome if they do.

This book literally laugh out loud, which made me like the book even more! Here are a few scenes/lines that really caught my eye.

It is dark and I am frightened. I think my heart should be racing as I look out to my surroundings but it isn’t. Why isn’t my heart racing? Why isn’t my heart beating? I am dead! I am dead and in a forest. Why am I dead in a forest! I look around frantically. All I can see are trees. Trees are everywhere and forest. The forest is everywhere. (page 46)


I am so caught up in how fast I can run, that I don’t even notice that I have stopped paying attention to where I am going. Then suddenly, I hit a tree. (page 66)

I don’t know why, but the whole ‘why am I dead in a forest’ made me laugh. Plus, when I read twilight I wondered how they didn’t crash into trees, so I liked that Nichole did in this book. Speaking of twilight, I like how Paige kind of made fun of it in this book, and some other vampire myth stereotypes like the wooden stake myth.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I loved all the characters. I’m glad that this blog tour introduced me to Transition and Paige Walker. I can’t wait to see what she writes next, and I’m sure I’ll like it as I did Transition.

Rating: 4.5/5

Recommend?: Yes!

You can get this book on Amazon in either a kindle or paperback edition. The schedule for the rest of the blog tour can be found HERE! This tour is hosted by Happylilbooknook, so go check out her site! You can find Paige Walker on Instagram, Goodreads, and her website.

Also, there is a GIVEAWAY so go check it out for a chance to win a Transition t-shirt and a signed copy of Transition.

Click here to see my Author Interview with Paige Walker

-Hope you enjoyed this review. Happy reading 🙂

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