Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Thank you so much to Laura @ Reading Lust for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I really love this award because each blogger gets to come up with the questions for the bloggers they nominate.

The Liebster Award is an award for bloggers, which in German means sweet, favorite, and dearest. It’s to help bring the blogging community together and discover new blogs.

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.

3. Nominate 11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award.

4. Let the bloggers know you nominated them.

5. Give them 11 questions of your own.


Laura’s Questions:

1. If you could read only one book for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION! For a series, definitely Harry Potter (who wouldn’t?). But for a single book, that’s really hard. As of right now, I guess I would have to go with To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before?? I think it’s because its one of my favorites right now (LOVE that the third is coming! THANK YOU JENNY!) and because I can relate to Lara Jean a lot. Plus, I love the cute little romance and other things that go on in the book.

2. Which character would you like to slap in the face?

Oh. This is a good question. Probably Julian from Wonder by R.J. Palacio because he was so mean to Auggie in the book and I HATED him for it. I get he had family problems but still, he deserves a good slap in the face.

3. If you could change an ending of one book, which one would it be, and what would you change?

Probably Allegiant. Although I completely understand and agree with why Veronica Roth ended the series the way she did, I feel like maybe it could have been different (at least Uriah) or ended differently somehow. Idk.

4. If you could make one series of a book into a standalone, which series would you choose.

I would choose the Selection series by Kiera Cass. It would be a really long book, but I think it would definitely work well as one book because each book starts where the last ended ( the first 3).

5. Which Film/TV Show/Musical have you watched the most times?

Oh gosh I re-watch movies and tv shows all the time. I’ve seen The Hunger Games probably like 12 times. I’ve seen Friends and How I Met Your Mother all together twice, and I’ve seen a few episodes multiple times. My favorite show is The Walking Dead, so I’ve probably seen it all together maybe 5 times? I am SO EXCITED for the next season! Negan sucks.

6. Your favourite book OTP?

I actually really like Lara Jean and Peter from To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. I know some people like her with John Ambrose McClaren but I like Peter better. Also, I like a bunch of others like Rose and Dimitri, and more that I can’t think of right now.

7. Which fictional team/gang/group of friends would you like to be a part of?

Ohhhh. There are so many to choose from! I would love to be apart of the Percy Jackson gang because then I would probably have a cool power and get to fight some monsters.

8. What is your favourite secondary character in a book?

Definitely Hermione from Harry Potter. I think she brings a lot to the book with her smarts and skills, and because she’s a girl! She and Ron both make amazing secondary characters for Harry.

9. What is your favourite city that you have ever visited?

I actually recently traveled in Europe, so I think my favorite city that I’ve visited is Paris! I really liked the city and seeing a bunch of the sites and historical landmarks. Also, I was there during the European Cup (soccer), so the city was celebrating because of that (France lost to Portugal in the finals though 😦 ). I just had a really good time there and I can’t wait to visit it soon!

10. If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?

I would choose to shape shift into any animal!! I have always loved animals and I think it would be really cool to talk to them. Plus, I would technically have unlimited powers because I could fly, run fast, camouflage, etc. OH! I just realized that I would also be able to be a dolphin or shark too and fid out some mysteries of the deep. Maybe mermaids do exist…. LOL

11. What is the most shameful book that you have read and loved it?

Ok for this one I guess it would be Twilight. I know a lot of people disliked the series and the movies, but I read it before the last 2 movies even came out, so it was before they started to get a bad rep. I actually really liked the series (the middle two not as much though) and enjoyed the movie versions as well. I also got Life and Death when it came out as well, and I have read Midnight Sun.

Ok so those were my answers to Laura’s questions! I hope you enjoyed it!

My Questions for Nominees:

1. What book would you highly recommend that is not the most popular?

2. If you were stranded on an island, what three books would you choose to have with you?

3. If you could have a dinner with any author of your choice, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?

4. What book or series would you like to see another book added to?

5. What movie did you enjoy more than the book?

6. What book do you want to see turned into a movie, and what actors would you like to see portray the characters?

7. Do you have any thoughts or plans to write a book in the future?

8. What book have you re-read the most?

9. What’s one piece of advice you have about blogging?

10. What is your favorite book or series?

11. {Besides Harry Potter} If you could live in the fictional world of any book, which would you choose?

And I nominate..

World On Colour

Farah & Laila: Bookworms

Jorelene @ Page Chronicles


Shelby @ Bookish Royalty

Keky @ Keky’s Literary World

Jake @ JakeDoesBooks


Maddie @ The Words in My Life

Eli @ Tweens Reads Too

Lindsey @ Bring My Books

I hope you enjoyed this post! Happy Reading! 😛

~~~ Jordan 💕




This or That Book Tag


Today I decided to do the This or That Book Tag. Although I wasn’t tagged by anyone, I still wanted to do it because it looks like a fun tag.

The Rules:

  • Mention the creator of the tag (Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks)
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you!
  • Tag 10 other people to do the tag and spread the love!


1. Reading on the couch or on the bed?

I don’t mind either as long as I’m comfortable. But as of right now I prefer to read on the couch because I have a loft bed. Plus I have huge pillow on my couch that is really comfortable to lean on.

2. Male main character or female main character?

Honestly, I don’t really have a preference of the gender of the main character. I think as long as the story is interesting, it doesn’t matter. However, as I am a girl, I love to read about badass girl characters in stories. But if I had to choose one, I think I would choose female main characters because I’m slightly biased.

3. Sweet snacks or salty snacks when reading?

Definitely SWEET SNACKS!! If I want to snack on something, I’ll go for Swedish Fish, Skittles, or some fruit.

4. Trilogies or Quartets?

I think I prefer trilogies because they are more common and I’m used to reading them, I guess. I would surely read more if I love the story and the characters, but 3 books seems like the perfect number of books to complete the story.

5. First person point of view or third person point of view?

I think I prefer first person because it makes the book feel more personal and character driven. I like following the main character throughout their adventure or experience in the book! But I do like third person if it’s well written and shows the thoughts and feelings of a each character, like in The Perfect Tear.

6. Reading at night or reading in the morning?

I am a total night owl, so reading at night wins. I feel more relaxed and feel like I can read more because I don’t really have anything to do (besides sleep of course). Plus most of the time I have school or other stuff to do in the morning anyway.

7. Libraries or book stores?

This is a tough one because I love to own my books, but free books are awesome too. But I think I have to go with bookstores on this one because owning books is awesome, and then I get to reread them whenever I want. And whenever I get books from the library I end up not finishing them before it’s time to return them.

8. Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

I love it when a book makes me cry because it proves that I am invested in the characters and truly love the book. Plus, it shows that the writing is amazing and the author did a great job with their story. Even better when a book makes me laugh and cry.

9. Black book covers or white book covers?

I like black book covers better because knowing me, if I have a white book it will end up dirty. Plus I love it when a black book has a shiny or cool colored font on the spine or cover!

10. Character-driven or plot-driven stories?

I prefer character driven stories because I think it makes the book better and more interesting. But a character driven story with a great plot makes for an amazing book!!

And that’s it for the This or That Book Tag! I hope you enjoyed reading my answers as much as I had writing them. This was such a fun tag to do because of the choices in each question.

I tag:

Annelise @AnneliseBookLifeSavanna @ Book Fox, Jen @ Paper and Page Blog, and YOU! 

Feel free to do the tag just because you want (like I did), and let me know if you do so I can check it out! You can even post that I tagged you, because I tag EVERYONE (cuz why not?).

I hope you enjoyed this tag today, and as always, happy reading! 🙂

~~~ Jordan 💕


Review: The Perfect Tear // Giveaway and Blog Tour

I LOVE this book.  I was actually on vacation this past week when I read it (with no service at all), and I had no idea what the book was about because I couldn’t read the summary. I’m actually really glad that I went in blind at first, because I thought of certain characters (Lerion) and situations differently than I would have otherwise. Plus, it made the book so much more interesting than it already is. This book is so unique and original, and I’m so glad that I got to read The Perfect Tear for this blog tour!!

Ok, now for a few details: Continue reading

The Dreamer // Book Blitz

This book blitz is for The Dreamer by E.J. Mellow and I am so excited to be participating. I just love the cover and can’t wait to read it. It sounds so good! Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for letting me participate in this book blitz. This post includes: book info, a summary, an author bio, 2 excerpts, a GIVEAWAY, purchase info, and more!

Dreamer Title: The Dreamer (Dreamland #1)

Author: E.J. Mellow

Genre: NA Fantasy

Publication Date: May 15th, 2015


THE DREAMER has been awarded a Silver for Best Fantasy/Science Fiction from the eLit Book Awards & a Finalist medal for Best Cover Design from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

It’s night. Always night. Dreams guard against the evil forged by nightmares. Infinite shooting stars illuminate a moonless sky. A city stands alone, surrounded by a darkened field. On its fringes, a man watches one star separate from the masses and fall. What survives the crash will unveil a secret centuries long hidden.

Molly hasn’t slept well since the night of her twenty-fourth birthday. Being struck by lightning might have something to do with it, but then again, her chicken did look a little undercooked at dinner. Whatever the culprit, her life quickly catapults from mundane to insane as, night after night, Molly is transported through her once dreamless sleep to a mysterious land illuminated by shooting stars.

There she meets the captivating but frustrating Dev, and together they discover Molly possesses a power coveted by his people—the ability to conjure almost anything she desires into existence. Seduced by the possibilities of this gift, Molly shifts her attention from waking life toward the man, the magic, and the world found in her dreams.

But Molly must ask herself—does something truly exist if you only see it when you close your eyes?

Faced with the threat of losing everything—her job, best friend, boyfriend, and most importantly, that little thing called her sanity—Molly will learn just how far she’ll go to uncover what is real and what is merely a figment of her imagination. Continue reading

Blue City // Review

Aside from my review, here you will find the summary, the author’s bio, and EXCERPT, and GIVEAWAY INFO!!! This truly is a great book, and I really recommend you checking it out. Also, sorry that this was posted so much later than usual. I have camp this week and couldn’t post earlier.

image1Title: Blue City

Author: Charlay Marie

Pages: 262

Genre: YA fiction/ Sci-fi

Publication Date: July 20th 2016

Format: e copy **I was provided a free copy in exchange for my honest review and opinion, so I will provided exactly that

Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


Summary from Author’s Website:

Continue reading

The Sleeper Cell // Blog Tour

Before you read the summary, excerpt, and author bio, notice that there is a GIVEAWAY at the end of the post. Make sure to enter it, and notice that The Sleeper Cells Kindle edition is currently on sale for $0.99!!!! Go get a copy!!

51sNxyI3G8LSummary from Amazon:

As seen on TC Magazine, The Bison Newspaper, and HU16 News, Wesley Bryant presents: The Sleeper Cells.

Vincent Easley and his friends must find their way out of the sleeper cell and into safety. Can they survive the twists and turns around every corner? But, it’s not just any group of friends. Vince is with his uncle, his life-long best friends, and his girlfriend that he has fallen out of love with. Can they survive the terror around them and find a way to safety?

What’s a sleeper cell? A group of terrorists waiting for the order to attack.
The order has been given.

Continue reading