The Book Sacrifice Tag


I was tagged by the amazing Louise @Geniereads to do the Book Sacrifice Tag! Thanks so much for tagging me, and you guys should check out her post to see which books she sacrificed as well!

I will be sacrificing some of my least favorite books, but I know many people who love these books so I’m sorry if you disagree with my choices.

– An Overhyped Book –

Situation:  You’re in a store when the zombie apocalypse hits. The military informs everyone that over-hyped books are the zombies only weakness. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you disliked do you start chucking at the zombies?

There aren’t any overhyped books that I really didn’t like, but Mockingjay and Allegiant were just not as good compared to the first books in their series. I think that both were ok, but they were just not as good as The Hunger Games and Divergent. Plus, the endings of each were really sad (especially Allegiant) and the plot of both were kind of unexpected. So in the end, I wouldn’t feel too bad about chucking these books at zombies during the apocalypse, especially Allegiant because its HUGE! I’m sure there are other over hyped books that I will come to dislike, but I haven’t read them yet.

Allegiant_novel_cover mockingjay

– A Sequel –

Situation: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?

Pretties Pretties is the second book in the Uglies Series, and I just really didn’t like it. I read maybe the first chapter or two? I don’t even remember. I actually thought that Uglies was ok, so I was really disappointed by Pretties.

I was just really annoyed that she completely forgot everything that happened in the first book, and that she decided to become a pretty in the first place. And that guy from the first book was so nice to her, and she completely dissed him.

I never finished the book, and I don’t think I ever will finish it or the rest of the series. I understand why people might like it, but it just didn’t appeal to me at all.

I would have no problem using this book as my umbrella.

–  A Classic –

Situation: You’re in English class and your professor raves about a Classic that “transcends time”. If given the opportunity to travel back in time, which Classic would you try to stop from ever publishing?


Ok I won’t go as far to say that this book should never have been published, but I just couldn’t get into this book. This is one of the few classics that I’ve read, so there is probably a classic that I will read later on and hate more. I read a good chunk of it, but I kept skipping parts and skimming parts, and in the end I didn’t finish it.

However, I wouldn’t be very surprised if I tried to read it again in the future, as I LOVE rabbits and the book has a kind of interesting concept. But there is a lot to remember from this book, like all the different rabbits and different rabbit groups, so it was a bit confusing at times.

But yea, I just didn’t really get into the book as much as I would have liked to, and got bored so I just stopped reading it.

– A Least Favorite Book –

Situation: Apparently global warming = suddenly frozen wasteland. Your only hope of survival for warmth is to burn a book. Which book will you not regret lighting?

ManiacMageecarousel Overall, I don’t typically hate many books and actually love most that I read. But I was trying to think of a book that I could hate the most, and then Maniac Magee hit me. I read this book in class in 4th grade, and I couldn’t stand it. I only remember a few parts, like how he could untie knots and ran away and then lived at a zoo or something.

It took a while to read because we read it in class, and I didn’t like a second of it. I just didn’t really get the book and didn’t enjoy it.

However, I know that my brother really liked this book, and so did the rest of my class, so I know that people really like this book. Taste is personal, and I just didn’t like it. I would easily burn this book over many others.


I tag Marta @ The Book Mermaid, Shivani @ Doodling Over Pages, and YOU. Feel free to do this tag if you want to because why not!

– I hoped you enjoyed this tag! Happy Reading 🙂

2 thoughts on “The Book Sacrifice Tag

  1. Marta says:

    Aww, thank you so much for tagging me 💖
    I should wait a bit more before actually answer to this, tho, because I haven’t read a lot of books that I didn’t like 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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